Help Newcomers Build a Stable Future
Support LSS Refugee Services by participating in
Delores Barr Weaver's challenge to raise $50,000

Right now, 167 refugees —including 30 families and seven single individuals—are in this crucial transition period. They come from 11 different countries, with three expectant mothers, two seniors over 60, and 88 children under 18 among them.
Delores Barr Weaver has stepped up to support this critical work with a donation of $100,000, and challenges other community members to meet her halfway there by raising an additional $50,000.
Your generosity can make an immediate and lasting impact. Your online donation will provide:
Safe housing assistance to prevent homelessness.
Food and transportation support while families seek employment.
Basic household necessities to help them settle into their new community.
Case management and employment services to empower them toward self-sufficiency.
A Special Thank You
To our community partners who have supported us during this time of need:
St. Matthew's Lutheran Church, St. Johns Cathedral, the Jessie Ball duPont Fund, and the Delores Barr Weaver Legacy Fund

Donate Today

More Compassionate Services from LSS
Our entire mission centers on one objective: supporting those in need.
We provide life-saving wraparound services for individuals living with HIV/AIDS.
We manage income for clients, ensuring that rent and other vital bills are paid.
We provide financial coaching and employment services for clients who want to meet their financial and career goals.