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Aspiration to Achievement: LSS Steps 2 Success Medical Assistant Training Program empowering others to follow their dreams.

Michelle Hughes

Updated: Nov 19, 2024

As a young girl, Kayla’s passion was to become a nurse. As she got older, she faced many obstacles that made her dream, her passion for nursing seem unattainable. At the age of 16, Kayla became a young mother, found herself in an abusive relationship, and eventually homeless. Kayla relocated with family members and friends several times to get away from the relationship, always in an attempt to rebuild her life. Relying on others was never a permanent solution, and it always got in the way of those dreams she had held close to her heart since she was just a girl.

While living in Maine with a family member, Kayla applied for housing in Jacksonville, FL. She was on the waiting list for two years, until the call came that she was approved for housing. She packed up her belongings, her kids, rented a car, and moved from Maine to Florida. Once she settled in Florida, Kayla was able to gain employment; but it was difficult to maintain anything consistent due to lack of childcare and the strains of being a single parent.  

Name and Photo have been changed to protect privacy

One day, Kayla was checking her emails and came across a flyer for a Medical Assistant Training Program for individuals like her – those hoping for a second chance at a dream. This simple email, from Lutheran Social Services, reignited something in her, reminded her of the little girl who wanted to be a nurse before life got in the way. In the time between her youthful dreams and the challenges of life - Kayla had become a caregiver for a family member who was diagnosed with cancer. Her little girl dreams now had a tangible drive behind them, watching a family member lose her battle to cancer ignited that spark even more.

Kayla decided to apply for the Medical Assistant Training program and was among a select few accepted. Kayla committed to 12 weeks of study in preparation for a Medical Assistant Training certification. While in class, Kayla had the hurdles of childcare and transportation challenges. For her, quitting was not an option. She gained part-time employment to assist with transportation and was afforded Uber rides. The challenges fueled her even more, she wasn’t going to give up.

Kayla successfully completed the Medical Assistant Training Course this year, and pushed that dream even further. While in the Medical Training program, Kayla applied for the Florida State College of Jacksonville LPN program and was accepted. She will begin in January 2025, a journey started as a little girl with a dream, and now moved forward by a determined woman with the drive to see it through. 

The LSS Steps 2 Success Program is one of Florida’s first Financial Opportunity Centers. The program takes a holistic approach to how FOCs operate and provides one-on-one career and financial coaching to adults at no cost. In 2023, program participants saw a credit score increase of 75 points on average and a monthly income increase of $1,200 on average. 

The Steps 2 Success Medical Training Assistance Program was made possible by:


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