Lutheran Social Services was one of the social media pages that TieArra Flournoy followed on a regular basis. TieArra’s interest was captured one day by a particular alert, it was a new post regarding a Medical Training Program. She currently had her Pharmacy Technician certification and also an esthetician license, but she didn’t want to stop there. Her end goal was to pursue nursing and leverage all she had learned as a tech and an esthetician, to become a dermatology nurse. The MA Course was one step closer to her goal.
TieArra was 7 months pregnant when she enrolled in the Medical Assistant Training Program. She didn’t let that stop her from her commitment to the course and her future goals; she attended her classes regularly and was always on time.
One day during the course term, TieArra started having minor pregnancy complications. These complications led to a hospital visit on Wednesday; TieArra was determined to attend classes that week - a class that was being held on that very Thursday. She instructed her husband to bring her laptop to the hospital, and reached out to the instructor for Zoom information. She didn’t want to miss any of her training. She was, of course, granted an excused absence and subsequently delivered a healthy baby. Despite such a big life event, that could derail even the most committed student, TieArra remained in communication with her instructor and was able to keep up with her missed assignment.
With her doctor’s approval, just 5 days after delivery, a determined TieArra returned to class eager to complete the Medical Assistant Training Program she had already started. Her drive and unwavering desire to pursue a goal for herself and her newly expanded family - all led to the successful completion of the Medical Assistant Training Program coursework. With a little one in her arms, driven to continue to pursue a dream, TieArra is now studying for the certification exam.
The LSS Steps 2 Success Program is one of Florida’s first Financial Opportunity Centers. It takes a holistic approach to how FOCs operate and provides one-on-one career and financial coaching to adults at no cost. In 2023, program participants saw an average credit score increase of 75 points and a monthly income increase of $1,200.
The Steps 2 Success Medical Training Assistance Program was made possible by: